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Alzheimer's Research Charity is a UK-based charity, registered with the UK Charity Commission, as The Campaign for Alzheimer's Research in Europe. We support activities both within the UK and in collaboration with Europe.

We were founded in 1999 when several trustees of the former Alzheimer's Research Trust sought to refocus the charity's commitment to supporting research into the understanding and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.


Alzheimer's Research Charity is guided exclusively by supporting the best scientists and best academic science throughout Europe,


Alzheimer's Research Charity also supports academic meetings to encourage scientific exchange and collaboration between the leading research centres and teams throughout Europe.


Contact us to give your support or to seek advice on our funding streams.

Dr Sarah-Jane Richards



Sarah-Jane founded the charity in 1999 with Mrs Pat Naughton and Dr Andrea Thorpe.

She is trained as a molecular neurobiologist, directing a research team at the Univeristy of Cambridge. In 2000 she retrained as a solicitor and specialist in biomedical law, and is currently an HM Coroner for South Wales.
Contact : sarahjane.richards@

Jacqueline Perry KC


Jacqueline Perry is a barrister and King’s Counsel. Her expertise spans both contract and tort, and she  practises in both the UK high court and the California Superior Court.  

She brings both a pragmatic and sensitive approach to her cases.
She accepted the chair of the board of trustees in 2024.

Mrs Pat Naughton



Pat co-founded the charity with Sarah-Jane in 1999.
She co-ordinates major C.A.R.E. fund-raising activities .

Prof Stephen Dunnett



Stephen Dunnett is Professor emeritus of Neuroscience at Cardiff University, and is a specialist in animal models and cell therapy for neuro-degenerative disease.

Stephen acts as financial secretary and website manager of the charity.

Prof Konrad Beyreuter



Konrad Beyreuther is Professor and head of the Institute of Genetics at Heidelberg University, Germany. With Colin Masters he is the co-discoverer of the beta-A4 amyloid  peptide at the heart of the principal neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease.

Prof Colin Masters



Colin Masters is Professor and head of the Mental Health Research Institute at the Florey Institute and University of Melbourne Australia. He is co-discoverer of the beta-A4 amyloid  peptide at the heart of the principal neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease.

Dr Philippe Hantraye



Philippe Hantraye is the recently retired director of MIRCen. the French national research imaging centre in Fontenay-aux-Roses outside Paris. He is a specialist in the design, testing and validation of drug, cell and gene therapy for neurodegenerative diseases.
Philippe coordinates the all-Paris neurodegenerative research network, NeurATRIS. 

Prof. David Mann



David Mann is Professor of Human Neuropathology at Manchester University and is a world expert on the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease.

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The Charity Commission

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Alzheimer's Research Charity is the operating name of the UK-registered charity Campaign for Alzheimer's Disease in Europe,
Charity commission registration no. 1077279.  
The charity is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, no. 135674.


UK Office : Temple Court, 13 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9HA, Wales, UK

The international branch Alzheimer's Research Charity (France) is registered with the National Register of Associations (RNA)
French law of 1 juillet 1901, regulating public associations, RNA no. W242005127.


Contact the Executive Director :

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